If you are in need of professional services, please feel free to visit a few of the many agencies we've worked with below!
Dwayne Townsend-Townsend’s Tax Network-Business and Personal Tax and Accounting Services 330-792-2900
Julie Wiesensee-HD Growth Partners- Business and Personal Tax and Accounting Services 330-759-8522 Ext. 480
Kristy Johnson-Platt Insurance-Business Insurance Services 330-435-8631
Attorney Brittany Brantley-Ogletree Deakins-Legal Services 216-274-6904
Attorney Ted McClain-Legal Services 330-623-7529
DeShawn Scott-The D5 Group-Marketing 330-469-2015 www.thed5group.com
Noel Powers-Nfactoring Coaching, Branding 803-710-0551